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Many, many have died in their sleep of all ages, including a couple of my healthy cousins. These deaths are rarely reported as a vax-injury as the family is either in denial or values their image of pro-vax among their community more than the dignity of their deceased, even if it is their child.

- A healthy 7-year-old boy arrived at the hospital in a lethargic and listless state on Feb. 16, 2022, just 13 days after he received the Covid vaccine. The boy went into shock and had a cardiac arrest. The Emergency Department staff was unable to revive him, so pronounced him dead. (VAERS 2152560) 

- A 7-year-old girl is found dead in her bed 11 days after vaccination. She developed a mild fever and a cough the day before her death. She tested negative for Covid, but positive for flu like several others in her family. She died on Dec. 10, 2021 (VAERS 1975356)

-An 8-year-old boy from Mississippi died 7 days after his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine after being found blue and lifeless at home. He was rushed to the hospital with a full code in process. A pulse was detected several times, but the boy ultimately died in the ICU. The medical report noted anaphylaxis, shock-associated circulatory or cardiac conditions and possible multisystem inflammatory syndrome. He did not have COVID but had been vomiting in the hours prior to his death on Feb 11, 2022. (VAERS I.D. 2109625)

- A 12-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1784945) with pre-existing medical conditions died from a respiratory tract hemorrhage 22 days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine

- A healthy 13-year-old Michigan County boy died in his sleep three days after getting his second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in mid-June. He had complained of fever and fatigue after the jab. (VAERS I.D. 1406840) The autopsy showed Jacob Clynick’s heart was enlarged and had fluid around it, but the subsequent report from the CDC and Michigan authorities denied finding any evidence that the vaccine caused the death of this previously healthy boy with no underlying medical conditions.

- A 13-year-old girl dies 15 days after receiving the Covid vaccination of what sounds like anaphylaxis. She died in the emergency room after early morning transport from home by ambulance. Other than asthma, she had no pre-existing conditions. (VAERS I.D. 1815096)

- A 15-year-old boy from New York (VAERS I.D. 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on July 18, when he collapsed on the soccer field and went into ventricular tachycardia.

- A 15-year-old male died six days after receiving his first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine while swimming with friends (VAERS I.D. 1764974). The previously healthy teen complained of brief unilateral shoulder pain five days after receiving his COVID vaccine. Autopsy revealed a small subgaleal hemorrhage — a rare, but lethal bleeding disorder — over the left occiput (brain bleed). In addition, the boy had a mildly elevated cardiac mass, increased left ventricular wall thickness and small foci of myocardial inflammation of the lateral wall of the left ventricle with myocyte necrosis consistent with myocardial infarction (heart attack).

- A 16-year-old female (VAERS I.D. 1757635) complained of fatigue and died on October 3, 2021, one day after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

- Ernesto Ramirez Jr. (A16) died of sudden cardiac arrest on April 21, 2021, five days after the previously healthy teen received the Covid vaccine. His autopsy revealed his heart was swollen to twice its normal size. The grief-struck single father of the TX teen posted an emotional video to social media where it was promptly censored.

- Sean Hartman, a 17-year-old Canadian, got the first COVID shot on August 25, 2021 so he could play hockey in an arena where the shot is required for entry. He developed multiple health problems immediately after receiving the vaccine, including myocarditis, or heart inflammation. His mother found him dead on the floor of his room on Sept 27th. A pathologist who chose to remain anonymous, told the parents that myocarditis caused by the vaccine was the cause of their son’s death. Social media platforms deleted father’s posts on his son’s death.

- A 17-year-old female who fully recovered from asymptomatic (non-severe) case of COVID-19 in August 2021 received the Pfizer COVID vaccine 9/3/21 and second dose 9/15/21. She present to the emergency department on 10/23/21 where she died of assumed myocarditis. (VAERS ID 1828901)

- Victor Castillo Simoes (A34) died May 5, 2021, from an acute aortic dissection - a rare condition that usually affects senior citizens. It was 16 days after Simoes' first dose when his immune system would have been most primed, and most vulnerable to inflammation. Simoes felt chest pains and called 911. Medics and and his girl-friend were both present when he suddenly died. Neither Simoes nor other family members have any genetic indications for this unusual event, and the young man's autopsy show no contributing factors. The family submitted a VAERS report, but the CDC cannot determine casualty from just the VAERS report. Using circular reasoning, the CDC responded to his mother’s inquiries with form letters where they state that they only follow up on VAERS reports that they deem as “serious” which apparently does not include death, and mentioned there was a process to seek financial compensation if an injury is found to be caused by the vaccine. The CDC also reassured her the vaccine is safe, and most of the Covid deaths are among the unvaccinated before referring her to grief counseling. Researchers who have examined this case on behalf of the family have advised they suspect the vaccine caused the hemopericardium and dissection. (VAERS ID 1690161)

- Rory Nairn, age 26, started having heart palpitations within hours of receiving his first vaccine on Nov. 4, 2021. This active, healthy plumber put them down to stress over planning a wedding and buying a house. On Nov. 17th, he and his fiancee decided it was time to go to the hospital at 3AM due to the ‘uncomfortable feeling’ in his chest. They didn’t make it out of their home. He died instantly of cardiac arrest. Paramedics were unable to save him.

- Joseph Keating, age 26, became ill immediately after getting the booster on Nov. 8, 2021, resulting in a few sick days from his Wall Street job. His mom, a critical care nurse, kept an eye on him, monitoring his vitals. They both thought his aches & pains and other mild symptoms were normal. His parents found him dead on Nov. 12, 2021. The data from his Apple watch, as well as his at ease pose in the recliner with the remote and phone at hand, indicate he had no warning - his heart just stopped. The medical examiner didn’t see anything on the first look, but then did a histological examine of Keating’s heart. Every one of the 22 sections biopsied showed inflammation.

- A 32-year-old received his J&J shot at a Walgreen clinic in Chelsea, New York on Saturday, March 13. Soon thereafter, he developed a severe headache. He woke up at 1 a.m. with a high fever and chills. His fiancée, was awakened, when he began having seizures at 4 a.m.. He went into cardiac arrest and paramedics failed to revive him on the scene. Benjamin Goodman was pronounced dead at 6:05 a.m. Sunday morning, March 14, 2021.

- Brandon Pollet (A33) from Louisiana got an immediate headache when injected with his second dose of the Covid vaccine. A fever manifested the next day. The previously healthy father of a one-year-old was ultimately diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease called Still’s Disease. He was twice hospitalized for extended stays before dying on January 28, 2022. Friends are helping the widow with the large medical bills.

- A 34-year old male (VAERS ID 1578593) from Washington developed anaphylactic reaction after a Pfizer vaccination on June 15, 2021. He suffered cardiac arrest on June 23, eight days after receiving the vaccine, then died on June 25. After a full autopsy, a forensic pathologist determined the patient was a healthy adult with no heart disease, no liver disease, and no pneumonia. The coroner determined after a toxicology report that the COVID-19 vaccine was the only contributing factor. 

-Jessica Berg Wilson, a 37-year-old stay-at-home mother from Washington, was a healthy and vibrant woman, according to her family. She was pressured into taking the J&J vaccine on Sept. 2 due to school mandates, and immediately became ill. She was sent home from the ER only to return in a coma the next day. She passed away on Sept. 7 when life-support was disconnected due to brain death. Doctors diagnosed her with vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), a known adverse reaction to the Covid vaccine. According to Jessica’s VAERS report, she experienced blood clots in her ovarian and renal veins, and a brain hemorrhage. Twitter banned links to her obituary. (VAERS I.D. 1683324).

- A recent widow testifies her healthy 45-year-old FBI husband, Geoffrey Young, immediately felt ill after receiving his Pfizer vaccine. She rubbed his feet and nursed him when he vomited. He went to bed early that night with a sick headache. Five hours later, he was dead. The medical examiner said his death within 24 hours of vaccination was ‘a coincidence.’ (VAERS I.D. 1241805)

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The 15yo boy who drowned while swimming (myocarditis) is the nephew of US Congressman Chris Papas, D-NH. , CD1. The boy is Charlie Zink.


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The article's headline does not match the description of what they saw. Don't they want to know what happened? Is the world going mad?

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I know now 8 people who died suddenly after the VAX or booster!!!! One of my best friends her other friends 58-year-old husband drop dead last week while riding his bike!! Was just boosted!! My friend thanked me because I sent her information that convinced her friend NOT to take the vaccine - neither her kids nor her did it !! …her husband insisted he do it!! Now he’s DEAD -cause of death? Heart attack!!!!

Poison Injecticide !!!

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My nephew, early 40s, personally knows ten people around his age who have dropped dead following vaccination. He wondered whether these events are more common as you get older, and I said no, absolutely not, pre-vaccine.

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.....I've LONG suspected even BEFORE these times that MANY drowning deaths this century and late last resulted from SEIZURES or hypoxia, due to vaccine-caused compromise of metabolic / ATP processes, EVEN as a result of WIRELESS transmissions.....

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wow. EPIC compilation.

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I have many more..... I started collecting those I could easily validated one by one in January or February 2020. The hyperlinks don't paste, but there is enough information in each entry that can be verified. I thought that 1) those lives should be remembered, and 2) those stories would make an impression.

However, I'm amazed how easily people dismiss these people with "many more would have died" statements. There is no true valuing of life, only valuing of personal world-views. This is what led me to considering narcissism as representative of the central personality characteristics that drive the Covid narrative. Narcissism is a pervasive pattern of invalidating and manipulating others that includes confabulation, future-faking, and narcissistic projection and rage.

Ex: If you vaccinate, you will be protected from infection and death and be able to get back to normal (future-faking)... Since the skeptics refused to vaccinate, you have to wear mask sometimes and still might get sick, but you are unlikely to die if you keep vaccinating. Don't listen to them, ostracize them, and hate them for what they did to "us" (confabulation, projection and rage.)

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Has to be some type of personality disorder...also with the people pushing the vax...and narcissism makes sense. I’ve had the whole pdf of deaths for a while and have been going through them; these people need to be acknowledged, not ignored as necessary casualties in a fake crisis. The young are super tragic but it occurs to me as most I’m reading are very elderly, the vax was unnecessary for them also...although they are still the focus, most died that day, robbing them of more time. Reading one after the other hits you with the totality of the cruelty and senseless of it all.

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Agree - it is not doing anyone any good. That said, most who receive it survive -either just fine, with minor problems, or with problems that they deny were caused by the vax. Consequently, if they are brainwashed by the narcissists in positions of power, they become part of the "army of flying monkeys" that narcissists influence. Think people who encourage the abused spouse to give their partner another chance.

“A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic... We have actually fulfilled all of the Bradford Hill criteria. I’ll tell you right now that COVID-19 vaccine is, from an epidemiological perspective, causing these deaths or a large fraction." - Dr. Peter McCullough MD, MPH, PhD

Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas who is one of the top five most-published medical researchers in the United States, in addition to being the editor of two medical journals, yet his medical license is being threatened on the charge that his informed expert medical opinion is misinformation.

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Thank you for this info. Are you able to explain why so many are dying in their sleep as opposed to during the waking hours?

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When you sleep, your body is not working the same as when you're awake. Your blood pressure drops, your temperatures drops, your breathing rate slows, you have a little less O2 than what you had during the day and a little more CO2. Your heart rate also drops - but if you're having crazy dreams in REM, then the above is not necessarily true! Anyway, combine all these changes with the cardiovascular problems that the covid injection is causing and you have a recipe for disaster.

When sleeping, you neither have your willpower at your disposal nor your ability to make conscious decisions because you are relying upon a single system (your parasympathetic nervous system - or PNS); if there was a slight noise outside, you probably wouldn't even wake. If someone stuck a pin in your toe, you'd probably wake up, however! But you have to be irritated enough to break that sleep cycle.

Slight or even moderate differences with oxygen saturation levels and the like may mean you might slip into unconsciousness when you are asleep...think 'coma'. Then things just switch off...like the heart, and breathing, and eventually, brain activity.

All this is SO much easier when you are asleep. You're far less in 'control' of your mind & body when asleep compared to awake - hence plenty will go that way.

Hope that explains it a little bit?

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Fantastic explanation - thank you!

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Sure-also you will not receive intervention as quickly. If I fall while awake at work I will have assistance in seconds. As a former busy EMT I can tell you from experience, otherwise completely healthy teenagers going to bed and not waking up? I never saw even one. Unheard of, truly.

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That's a very good point, Joe. No-one's going to come save you when you're losing vital signs in your sleep and the only other people in your house are fast asleep - and possibly in another room!

But yes, teenagers or younger kids (hell, even people in their early 20s) dying in their sleep is NOT normal at all! There are cases of people perhaps in their 30s going to bed and not waking, maybe even from such problems as bacterial endocarditis. But they're SOOO rare!! I can't recall anything from all my news-watching days when I was a young woman/teenager about healthy teenagers just dying in their sleep. SIDS - yes. That happened a bit. But not healthy teens dying in their sleep (not unless it was a suicide).

The things people are now being told that are supposedly 'normal' are so far removed from normal it's not even funny.

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Yup - Comedians Bob Saget & Heather McDonald who both bragged about being vaxxed and boosted probably both collapsed because of POTS, an adverse effect of the vaccine that causes sudden loss of consciousness. Bob had just happily completed his show and was alone in his room. Heather was on stage. He died alone, she had a nurse by her side within a minute and was transported to the hospital. There is no way to test for POTS once the person is dead, and the risk of death from POTS is primarily from head injuries due to sudden falls.

Saget's and McDonald's head injuries were identical, although the taller and heavier Saget's were somewhat more severe. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

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More than a little bit. Very helpful. Thanks.

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Many are also dying while awake; hiking etc. But young healthy people just “not waking up” was unheard of before the mRNA gene therapy experimental injections.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

It wasn't unheard of - it happened, but it was very rare.

I only make this point because using blanket (and inaccurate) statements like 'It was unheard of' as opposed to 'It happened but it was extremely rare and now seems to be happening a lot more frequently' gives the pro vaccine side the wiggle room and opportunity to discredit by extension *everything* we say, in the minds of the undecided - and those minds are the battlefield.

There is a low level war being fought here, and for many of us our contributions are words and arguments, both to expose the lies and the evil and to alert friends, family and strangers who have yet to see it.

We need to conserve our 'ammunition', choose our targets carefully, and think and behave tactically and strategically (IMO).

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Nonsense; it was unheard of, and if we are afraid to speak out, we will lose.

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It wasn't 'unheard of' - my friend died in his sleep aged 16 in 1985.

I'm not suggesting we don't 'speak out', I'm suggesting we do it in ways which do not provide the enemy with easy opportunities to convince the undecided majority that we are stupid, and the way we do that is by not lying and not exaggerating.

The truth is bad enough.

I sense I'm wasting my time with you though - your comprehension skills are poor.

Either that or you are here to discredit the rest of us.

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Well-known athletes are dropping on the fields in Europe at an alarming rate. Fit young soccer players. The number 500 reported comes to mind, but that might not be accurate.

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We're just getting more European reports. It's happening in American schools, too. Three basketball players in 2 days:

Feb. 8, 2022: Cameran Wheatley, a 17-year-old senior at Bremen High School in Illinois and Devonte Mumphrey, a 15-year-old sophomore and District Newcomer of the Year at Alto High School in East Texas, both collapsed during basketball games and died from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Until recently, SCA only occurred a few times per decade. It cannot be a coincidence that these two healthy young athletes, vaccinated in order to play sports, are among the hundreds of athletic young men who have collapsed and even died on camera while playing sports since 2021. We know the mRNA vaccines are associated with heart inflammation which increases the rate of myocarditis - a known risk factor of sudden death.

Feb. 6, 2022: Preston Settles (A15) collapsed of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) during a basketball game at Brooks School in Massachusetts which requires vaccination. Extraordinary measures were taken to keep the young athlete’s heart beating. He died on February 27, 2022.

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It’s in the 700s lately.

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