considering you've stood up and spoken against the mRNA products all the way back to when Trump sat in the Big Chair, you don't have much to apologize for.

you've made a far above average good faith effort to inform anyone and everyone.

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I like the way you get very intense in your expressions and the way you are warning the world! Keep your style, there is something very healing about it!! But I'm afraid their plan is on target and the timing is good. Who knows if this monkeypox is the same as the African one? they probably made one in the lab that will spread and combine differently with the immuned compromised jabbed? you know, like a mix shinglepox that will raise a good level of fear again ...

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

I was in midtown Manhattan yesterday. Between Times Sq and 34th St the obnoxiously bright super large brighter than ever neon, swirling, changing ads were a celebration, I mean, exploitation, of queerness that made even this open minded, progressive, not-heterosexual feel like I wanted to vomit the rainbow like in this cartoon from Malone's substack.

Feels like there is so much energy behind pushing rainbows and sex changes, more than ever, or maybe I'm just more aware of the insidious hand of pharma in all this now. Maybe (maybe), wanting monkeypox to spread is part of all this.

Blocks of tall buildings and huge digital billboards blasting pink - purple - the looks quite gay Thor movie - Ads with people's names and, of course, gender pronouns. Yes, gender pronouns on huge ads.

More swirling rainbows. Big buildings lit up in rainbow colors. "DIRTY DADDY" (Huh? Why are those words EVER used together?) - Oh, I realized when I later looked it up, Dirty Daddy is a tribute to Bob Saget, who (likely) died from vaccine injury. I mean, Sudden Adult Death Disorder.

Ads as tall as tall buildings of one gender-ambiguous person after another. I have no problem with gender nonconforming (as I am) / gender ambiguous / gender fluid (yes i do believe gender -the Software -is fluid). I feel alienated from my former tribe because I believe biological sex (the Hardware) - is binary, there is male and female and that is what is.

The push to change the biological sexes of children who begin by feeling gender non-conforming - something generations fought to make acceptable - and then are coached, tempted, and "affirmed" so far that they getting on puberty blockers and are doing GoFundMe's for surgery. Because, it's so binary that girls with masculine spirits just have to cut off their breasts, right? But wait, it's not binary at all, and it's WrongThink to say binary.

I always hated the super bright Times Sq displays, and their encroachment further downtown in recent years. But this was another level. And I see pharma behind it, because so many kids are calling themselves trans, and it's easy to find sites like this - https://www.gendergp.com/faq/ - that seem happy to schedule kids for surgeries, and actually say -

"Medication to stop puberty is totally reversible. Please see our myth buster for more information."

NO PUBERTY BLOCKERS ARE NOT REVERSIBLE. Talk about medical misinformation.

I know this post is about monkeypox and not calling out certain behavior. But there seem like deep connections with forces behind the scenes that are going far beyond equal rights and acceptance and it's OK to be gay or bi or gender nonconforming. It's becoming Not OK to be OK with the bodies we were born in, and Pharma is behind the push for puberty blockers - Without Parental Consent in as many places as they can get the laws changed. And Pharma is behind, as we know, the push to change our bodies by genetic "therapies" called "vaccines".

Sure some people within all this, and teachers and counselors and ad designers, etc, are just wanting to elevate the cause of gay and trans rights. Because it sells, and because many do believe in it. I do too. But this is beyond.

Some really do want kids to feel empowered to make their own choices but don't understand that their brains are not developed enough to make decisions ( https://thevelvetchronicle.com/medicalization-of-gender-non-conforming-children-vulnerability-of-lesbian-youth/ )

Actually and really (another thing I wouldn't have believed a year + ago), some of the same people and agendas are behind the push for transgender, and also to merge human + machine, who see biological systems as in need of tech-enhancement to make anything possible.

Transgender is leading, likely intentionally, to Postgender. Gender "nullification" surgery - great option for confused teens, right?

And Postgender is a step from Transhuman.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgenderism - Of course Wikipedia is not a reliable source of info for many things. But this is interesting. Even google searches are part of this, every mainstream "healthline" type place has so much to say on gender, google will suggest "what are the 72 genders", you get the sense that puberty blockers are safe, and there's plenty on Reddit - but Reddit censors truth about covid and treatments. Probably some of the same people are trying to stop good doctors doing telemedicine to prescribe covid treatment, while promoting or having no problem with doctors doing telemedicine to ok puberty blockers and surgeries!

https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-trans-agenda-questions-for-corbett-video/ - **This is essential to understand what's happening.*** Even the people fighting to stop this who see the pain and suicides and attempts to detransition among people who transitioned as kids, don't understand the magnitude of forces behind this. Transgender - postgender - transhuman - cyborgs. Don't take my word for this, please watch the video.

https://www.trevoices.org/ - transgender activists and allies, not the trans activists who have a cancellation fit if anyone questions anything, but adult trans activists who are horrified at what's happening with children and puberty blockers / surgeries / pressure. Scott Nugent from this group was in "What Is A Woman?"

https://whatisawoman.com/ - well worth seeing

https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/the-torment-and-tragedy-of-teenage -

And, this is a Beautiful letter exchange between biologist Heather Heying and Abigail Shrier, author of "Irreversible Damage". These people are not at all transphobic or against equal rights for trans people. They just understand the realities of biology and the misery that's happening from this huge push to "affirm" kids into carving up their bodies.

And this is how I felt after being in Rainbow-Overload Midtown yesterday, especially the ever expanding Times Square -


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How do we know it isn't just herpes zoster re-emerging in a more mild form because of immune system degrading from the mRNA?

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You are such a prolific writer, your content is so on point and your writing is passionate and powerful. 👍👍

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I am saying it,It is a sin to be homosexual and this is the result of a lifestyle that is in rebellion to God and His word.It's that simple.

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These folks are insane and that scares me because they will go to any lengths to achieve their end.

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It’s like searching Grama at the airport after 9/11. Can’t just search the people who should be searched, search everyone.

Screwing everyone paying for individual health insurance plans by passing Obamacare. Give everyone crap choices.

Stop asking for ACT and SAT test scores. Bring high achievers down to a lower level.

Lower the bar for air traffic controllers for diversity and equity. Never mind that many lives will depend on this lower achiever.

Instead of focusing on monkey pox spreaders, everyone will be affected by the mitigation efforts.

At this point, I’m all for anarchy because the low IQ Godless megalomaniacs are running the show.

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In that case so will they and not how they like it!

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