Trust EVM Q&A (Part I)

Trust EVM
3 min readJun 9, 2022

Trust EVM — The Official EVM on DPoS blockchain EOS.

For a better acquaintance with Trust EVM, we have answers to top 8 frequently questions updated. These are in two parts. Read the Q&A part I (part II will be posted next week), and ask questions in our community any time if you have any question.

The questions include:

  • What is Trust EVM?
  • What is the story of Trust EVM supported by ENF (EOS Network Foundation)?
  • What is the key value of Trust EVM?
  • How does Trust EVM work on EOS?


What is Trust EVM?

Trust is the official Ethereum Virtual Machine on EOS network, offering a turn-key solution for developers to operate their Apps on a full Ethereum-compatible chain while enjoying the high throughput, scalability, security and reliability from EOS, with low transaction costs for their users.

Trust will be significantly faster than the other EVMs with 0.5 second block times and 10,000+ TPS. In addition, the EVM runtime maintains full compatibility with the rest of the EOS DApp ecosystem, allowing tokens to be moved between the environments. And thanks to the high compatibility coming from the design, Ethereum native applications can seamlessly be ported to Trust EVM. Developers may enjoy familiar Ethereum tooling when working with their Solidity smart contracts.


What is the story of Trust EVM supported by ENF (EOS Network Foundation)?

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is the computing environment native to the Ethereum Network. After years of competition, it is clear that the EVM has the best community base and resource available, it has effectively become a facto standard for smart contracts. As the native DPoS blockchain, EOS should make EVM ecosystem be invaluable to come, and for the advantages below:

  1. Supporting EVM can connect EOS to a larger ecosystem which is vital to the rebirthed EOS. The ecosystem can leverage not only a larger community, but also existing well developed applications.
  2. Supporting EVM (and then Solidity and the large existing libraries) can significantly lower the bar (C++) for smart contract developers for EOS.
  3. EOS-EVM inherently enjoys a unique advantage compared to other EVM based chains with its low gas cost, high performance, good finality and time-tested stability.

With this vision, Trust EVM has been launched, which is supported by EOS Network Foundation(ENF) , and we can bring the community a new powerful selection.


What is the key value of Trust EVM?

  • Scalability Benefits

High throughput benefits. Enjoy high transaction speed with low gas fees.

  • Security and Reliability

Implemented as a carefully audited smart contract, leverages the time tested EOS network.

  • Official EVM on EOS

Ethereum Virtual Machine on EOS network.

  • Tools You Already Use

Use Ethereum-based tools you love, like MetaMask, Truffle, etc.


How does Trust EVM work on EOS?

Check the new SilkWorm-based architecture of Trust EVM below. As the EOS-Plugin, the entire Trust EVM will blend with high-performance features on EOS for higher TPS.

New Architecture of Trust EVM

More information on Trust EVM Q&A (Part II) will be posted next week.

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